Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act - AODA

1 out of 7 people in Ontario have a disability and these numbers are expected to increase as the population ages. Through no fault of their own they struggle with learning, mobility, independent living, speech and other day to day tasks that most people are able to complete with ease.

Language : English

Unit Price$50.00 CAD
This course includes

    Access to Accessibility for Ontarians with disabilities act (AODA) training Content

    Digital Copy of Participant Manual

    QR Coded certificate upon successful completion of course

Course Description

In an effort to break the barriers, remove stigma and give people with disabilities full rights to participate in their lives, the Ontario government created the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act which includes the Accessible Customer Service or Customer Service Standard. The Customer Service Standard is the first standard under the Act and is the focus of this foundational course. Under this standard, businesses must train all staff dealing with members of the public or other third parties and individuals that develop customer service policies about serving customers with disabilities. In compliance with the Ontario Regulation 429/07 Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act – Customer Service Standard, this course provides the required and necessary information for all customer service employees in Ontario. Disabilities don’t discriminate; unfortunately sometimes people do (often unintentionally). Take this course and help stop the stigmas.

What will you learn?

    This E-Learning Module is designed to teach participants - 

    • AODA Service Standards and Expectations
    • How to implement policies that meet the Ontario Government Standards
    • How to create an inclusive culture within the organization
image depicting the three major disabilities

Our Products

Templates for 17 CORTM 2020 policies and procedures
Templates for 17 - "COR™ 2020" policies and procedures

Need a kick-start to your COR™ journey? Get templates of the 17 policies and procedures that meet the IHSA- COR™ 2020 requirements. Customize these templates to align with your organization’s specific requirements.

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CORTM 2020 audit guide Checklist
"COR™ 2020" audit guide Checklist

Preparing for a COR™ audit? Use the COR™ 2020 Audit Guide to assist with internal audit submission and/or external audit. The checklist provides examples of supporting evidence for each subsection of the 14 -COR™ 2020 elements.

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Templates for 20 ISO 45001 compliant procedures
Templates for 20 - "ISO-45001" compliant procedures

Need a kick-start to your ISO 45001 journey? Get templates of 20 policies and procedures that meet the ISO 45001 standard.  Customize these templates to align to your organization’s specific requirements. 

Unit Price $9,975


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Checklists for 20 ISO 45001 topics
Checklists for 20 - "ISO-45001" topics

Preparing for an ISO 45001 audit?  Use the Checklists to prepare each topic, collate evidence and assist with the internal and certification audits 

Unit Price $4,450


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Templates of Inspection Reporting forms
Templates of Inspection Reporting forms

Need help with developing inspection forms? Workplace Inspection /reporting forms that meet legislative requirements. Equipment-specific inspection or maintenance checklists are not part of this option but can be developed as well.

Unit Price $300

+ HST per form

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Checklist for Legislative Compliance
Checklist for Legislative Compliance

Getting into Legislative Compliance? Use this 14 topic checklist to evaluate the legislative compliance of your workplace

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Basic H&S manual
Basic H&S manual

Need a basic H&S manual? The manual will cover and meet the legislative requirements for health and safety. The manual does not include job-specific practices and/or procedures.

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H&S Policy
H&S Policy, Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy

Basic policies- Health and Safety and Workplace Violence and Harassment policies. Print, sign, date and post them on your board.

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H&S Board
H&S Board

Start with the basics- Get a H&S Board (36” * 48”) with mandatory posters and WHMIS symbols printed and sections premarked for company-specific information

Unit Price $75

per board+ HST

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Green Book - Ontario
Green Book - Ontario

The latest version of the Green Book with the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act with all pertaining regulations under the Act.

Unit Price $35

per book+ HST

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